
《人类理解论(中文导读插图版)英文》(英)洛克(Locke,J.) 电子书



《人类理解论(中文导读插图版)英文》(英)洛克(Locke,J.) 电子书插图1 《人类理解论(中文导读插图版)英文》(英)洛克(Locke,J.) 电子书插图2 《人类理解论(中文导读插图版)英文》(英)洛克(Locke,J.) 电子书插图3 《人类理解论(中文导读插图版)英文》(英)洛克(Locke,J.) 电子书插图4 《人类理解论(中文导读插图版)英文》(英)洛克(Locke,J.) 电子书插图5
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【作者】     约翰,洛克(John Locke,1632-1704):英国著名的哲学家、思想家、教育家。他是世界哲学史上经验主义的创始人,全面阐述宪改民主思想的人,他的思想深刻地影响了美国的国元勋及法国启蒙运动中的许多主要哲学家。1632年洛克出生于英国灵顿。他就读于牛津大学,1656年获得学士学位,1658年获硕士学位。青年时期的洛克就对科学产生了十分浓厚的兴趣,36岁被选英国皇家学会。他与著名的化学家罗伯特,波意耳过从甚密,晚年叉同艾萨克·牛顿结成好友。他还对医学感兴趣,得过医学学士学位。他于1704年溘然长逝,晚年的洛克大部分精力都投注在家庭教育的研究和著述上。约翰·洛克被誉为“培荞绅士和淑女的教育家”,他的教育理念对后世影晌深远,已成为当代家庭教有的主流和标尺。


上册 出版说明 导读 Chronology The Epistle Dedicatory The Epistle to the Reader BOOK I:Of Innate Notions Chapter I Introduction Chapter II No Innate Principles in the Mind Chapter III No Innate Practical Principles Chapter IV Other Considerations concerning Innate Principles,both Speculative and Practical BOOK II:Of Ideas Chapter I Of Ideas in General,and their Original Chapter II Of Simple Ideas Chapter III Of Ideas of One Sense Chapter IV Of Solidity Chapter V Of Simple Ideas of Divers Senses Chapter VI Of Simple Ideas of Reflection Chapter VII Of Simple Ideas of both Sensation and Reflection Chapter VIII Some further Considerations concerning our Simple Ideas Chapter IX Of Perception Chapter X Of Retention Chapter XI Of Discerning,and other Operations of the Mind Chapter XII Of Complex Ideas Chapter XIII Of Simple Modes;and first,of the Simple Modes of Space Chapter XIV Of Duration,and its Simple Modes Chapter XV Of Duration and Expansion,considered together Chapter XVI Of Number Chapter XVII Of Infinity Chapter XVIII Of other Simple Modes Chapter XIX Of the Modes of Thinking Chapter XX Of Modes of Pleasure and Pain Chapter XXII Of Mixed Modes Chapter XXIII Of our Complex Ideas of Substances Chapter XXIV Of Collective Ideas of Substances Chapter XXV Of Relation Chapter XXVI Of Cause and Effect,and other Relations Chapter XXVII Of Identity and Diversity Chapter XXVIII Of other Relations Chapter XXIX Of Clear and Obscure,Distinct and Confused Ideas Chapter XXX Of Real and Fantastical Ideas Chapter XXXI Of Adequate and Inadequate Ideas Chapter XXXII Of True and False Ideas Chapter XXXIII Of the Association of Ideas 下册 BOOK III:Of Words ChapterI Of Words or Language in General ChapterII Of the Signification of Words ChapterIII Of General Terms ChapterIV Of the Names of Simple Ideas ChapterV Of the Names of Mixed Modes and Relations ChapterVI Of the Names of Substances ChapterVII Of Particles ChapterVIII Of Abstract and Concrete Terms ChapterIX Of the Imperfection of Words ChapterX Of the Abuse of Words ChapterXI Of the Remedies of the foregoing Imperfections and Abuses BOOK IV:Of Knowledge and Opinio ChapterI Of Knowledge in General ChapterII Of the Degrees of our Knowledge ChapterIII Of the Extent of Human Knowledge ChapterIV Of the Reality of Knowledge ChapterV Of Truth in General ChapterVI Of Universal Propositions,their Truth and Certainty ChapterVII Of Maxims ChapterVIII Of Trifling Propositions ChapterIX Of our Knowledge of Existence ChapterX Of our Knowledge of the Existence of a God ChapterXI Of our Knowledge of the Existence of other Things ChapterXII Of the Improvement of our Knowledge ChapterXIII Some further Considerations concerning our Knowledge ChapterXIV Of Judgment ChapterXV Of Probability ChapterXVI Of the Degrees of Assent ChapterXVII Of Reason ChapterXVIII Of Faith and Reason,and their Distinct Provinces ChapterXIX Of Enthusiasm ChapterXX Of Wrong Assent,or Error ChapterXXI Of the Division of the Sciences


作    者:(英)洛克(Locke,J.)

出 版 社:中国人民大学出版社 出版时间:2012-09-01 字    数:137.6万
